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Tom Osbeck

Founder and Director

Thomas Osbeck, or just Tom, worked in inner city ministries for 24 years. In 1996, he was working in Fort Wayne, IN with Youth for Christ and was asked to go on a missions trip to Haiti. He didn't want to go and remembers saying, "I don't want to go to stupid Haiti."


Reluctantly, he ended up going and on his first day in Haiti he clearly heard God's voice saying, "this is where you will be for the rest of your life."


He moved to Haiti as a full-time missionary in 1998, founded and directed Jesus in Haiti Ministries until 2015.

After taking JIHM as far as he felt he could, in April 2015, Tom decided to "retire," leaving JIHM in good hands of people he had worked with and trained.  He then move to another, smaller area to start a new ministry. 


Tom's new ministry, Ignite Your Faith Ministries, was founded in the small village of St Christophe, where God had led him, and opened it's doors to several thousand Haitian people in 2015. He has been very happy with the change and different pace and the people of St. Christophe have already become part of his heart.


October 26, 2022 will mark 25 years of ministry in Haiti.  Tom says"Lord willing I have another 25 years left!"


Over the years Tom has taken in over 30 orphaned and abandoned children and currently has 12 boys in his care, to these kids he is not just a missionary, he is their Pappy.  They have had a chance to know the true meaning of the words home and family, they have been given a chance to get an education, have meals every day and so many other opportunities that they would not have had otherwise.  Many of them are now serving God in powerful and meaningful ways right here in Haiti.

Tom Osbeck


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