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Merry Christmas From Haiti!

How You Can Help

Merry Christmas from everyone here in Haiti! Our annual Christmas Project is back and we need your help more than ever in this challenging year! Our goal is to raise $10,000 by Christmas day!  Would you consider partnering with us this year by making a financial gift towards our Christmas Project for the wonderful people of Haiti?

Your Generous Donations This Year Will Go Towards


1. Kids Club Gifts


2. Family Church Meal


3. Teen Ministry Gift Bags


4. Staff Payroll


5. Toiletries for women at the prison


6. Care Packages for Widows and Kids


7. Gifts for Tom's 17 Kids + Grandkids

$10,000 GOAL

Please click the "Donate" button above to safely and securely donate!

Please denote gifts for this project "Christmas 2020" in the notes section of your gift.

Thank You For Your Help in Showing Christ's Love This Christmas!
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